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PowerSync SDK for Node.js

PowerSync is a sync engine for building local-first apps with instantly-responsive UI/UX and simplified state transfer. Syncs between SQLite on the client-side and Postgres, MongoDB or MySQL on the server-side.

This package (packages/node) is the PowerSync SDK for Node.js clients. It is an extension of packages/common. Using this package is not necessary for PowerSync on servers, see our documentation for more details on that.

This package has an API similar to the PowerSync web SDK, for which a summary of features is available here.

Alpha Release

The @powersync/node package is currently in an Alpha release.


Install Package

npm install @powersync/node

Both @powersync/node and the better-sqlite3 packages have install scripts that need to run to compile or download sqlite3 and PowerSync binaries.

Getting Started

You can follow along our web SDK reference which contains everything you need to know to get started implementing PowerSync in your project. Replace imports of @powersync/web with @powersync/node where necessary.


A simple example using @powersync/node is available in the demos/example-node/ directory.

Found a bug or need help?

  • Join our Discord server where you can browse topics from our community, ask questions, share feedback, or just say hello :)
  • Please open a GitHub issue when you come across a bug.
  • Have feedback or an idea? Submit an idea via our public roadmap or schedule a chat with someone from our product team.


The PowerSync Node.js SDK relies on the work contributors and maintainers have put into the upstream better-sqlite3 package. In particular, we'd like to thank @spinda for contributing support for update, commit and rollback hooks!